

2024 Summary


Setting up an active-passive GitLab instance

GitLab is an open-source DevOps platform widely adopted in many companies. This instruction outlines the setup of a hot standby (active-passive) GitLab instance.





A guide to upgrade subversion to 1.14

This guide outlines an approach to upgrading Subversion servers.



2023 Summary


Sentences, clauases and modifiers in Japanese grammar

Learning sentences and clauses is foundamental to parse complex syntax tree in Japanese, this title describles the comprehensive classification in Japanese.

Formal noun and nominalization in Japanese grammar

形式名詞keishiki meishi is a special type of Parts of Speech in Japanese. While officially translated as formal noun, grammatically it would be more accurate to categorize it as a versatile placeholder that mainly undergoes a modification of nominalization.

Security design for token authenticates

This article describes how to choose appreciated tokens in security design.



Design a Fine-grained Authorization System with RBAC and ACL

Implementing flexible, fine-grained permission management is an essential component of robust software design. This article will walk through various authorization system designs that aim to achieve that goal.

What leads to a disinterest in a course

Last week I was invited as a part-time teacher to provide compulsory courses for new staff. Here was something interesting that I didn’t anticipate.

Memory diagnosis for java application on kubernetes

This post will introduce how to analyse native and JVM memory on containers.