Sentense文subject主語Nominal主体NominalClauses名詞節attributiveClause連体修飾節Derived Verb連体形 of (可能形 of (確認))=確認できるParticle(助詞/形式名詞)ものParticle格助詞がPredicate述語adjective形容詞必要auxiliary verb助動詞です(「だ」の丁寧語)
Formulas of formal nouns
While English primarily utilizes “to” and participles to nominalize non-noun phrases, Japanese employs an array of grammatical particles for nominalization with contextual information.
Attributive modifier + [formal noun]
Noun clause
Attributive modifier + [formal noun] + に/で/…
Adverbial modifier
The first formula creates a noun clause via attributive modifying from verb or adjective phrases. The second row creates an adverbial phrase, which is similar to because of or when
Additionally, the formula can apply recursively through stacking particles, such as adding の, to regain the adjectival capability, allowing for complex sentence formation.
Derived Formula
Attributive clause + [formal noun] + の
Attributive clause
Full list of formal nouns
Not listed formal nouns
The followings are not listed in official books, but all of them technically fulfill the criteria of formal nouns.
It was derived from the Chinese character “丈”, a unit of length, similar to “feet” in English.
Nowadays it is an auxiliary particle, translated as a focusing adverb “only” in English, to emphasis the limitation.
Similarities: 副助詞 だけ、ばかり、ほど、など、である(called)
Formal noun v.s. Semantic noun
Grammarly they are hard to be distinguished because both of them play a role in forming noun clauses. However, kanji(漢字) can’t be technically used as a formal noun despite the misuse has filled up the internet. Followings are not formal nouns
Additionally, formal noun can’t be a concrete reference.
として: 君はマスターとして知識がなさすぎる As a master you only have limited
Cleft sentences in Japanese
In English grammar, the cleft sentence (分裂文) is used to emphasis a nominal(mainly for reasons). The formula “it is ~ that ~” or “the fact that” provides a placeholder to eleborate details. For instance