PlantUML for GitBook plugin released
2018-11-13 / modified at 2022-04-04 / 87 words / 1 mins
️This article has been over 2 years since the last update.

Yet another offline puml rendering plugin for gitbook.

Since a lot of PlantUML plugins for Gitbook were no longer maintained, I created a new plugin named graphviz-and-plant-uml to generating svg/png offine.

Legency Gitbook(3.x) is also no longer maintained, be aware of the risk before you choose gitbook or the others.


  • Rendering PlantUML with quick installation.
  • Support ebook(pdf/mobi/epub) exporting
  • (Or) Inlining SVG images into HTML with base64 encoding.
  • ZERO npm dependency.

View detail at miao1007@gitbook-plugin-GraphvizAndPlantUML
