Sentences, clauases and modifiers in Japanese grammar
2023-10-22 / modified at 2024-03-02 / 1.8k words / 10 mins

Learning sentences and clauses is foundamental to parse complex syntax tree in Japanese, this title describles the comprehensive classification in Japanese.

Translation used

Base on “国語”: 主語・述語・修飾語・接続語・独立語

  • 語: It can’t be translated, depending on the context.
  • 節: Clause
  • 主体: Main topic, functioning grammatically as a noun, encompassing both single noun and noun clauses. such as “が鳴く”, the bird in the sentence servers as the main topic.
  • 主語hogo: Subject, which primarily consists of a noun and mainly a particle(は・が・より), such as “鳥が鳴く”. It has an additional particle while the subject in English doesn’t.
  • 名詞節: Noun clause which functions as noun. Same as English.
  • 主節: Main clauses, or Independent clause. Same as English.
  • 従属節: Dependent clause, or subordinate clause. Same as English.
  • 補足節: Nominalized cluase that can’t be tranlated as “Dependent clause” in Google.
  • 文節: clause/setsu, 節は語が情報を加えられることで述語を伴ったものだと考えられる[1].



$2sentense1.51修飾語modifier1.62連用修飾語(補語)Continuative modifier(complement)連体修飾語Attributive modifierSimple sentencesindependent clauses単文/主節述語(predicate)verb彼は読んでいるadj冬木市の冬は寒いnoun + (終助)彼は社長だった述語化主語SujectExample冬木市の冬は寒いStructure主題Topic冬木市の冬格助詞Particleは/が独立語はい/あら/いや... $2ComplexSentences複文主節 Main ClauseIndependent clause従属節Dependent ClauseSubordinate clause6.14補足節NominalizedClause名詞節NounClauseModifierNoun昨日見た映画引用節QuotationalClause~と[S]という[N]という+形式動詞~のは~ことだ~ものだと思う/考えた~って~よう(に)疑問節ReportedQuestions[S]か[S]かどうか明日は雨かどうかわからないI don't known whether ...Compound Sentences 重文等位節·並列節Via 接続語Conjunction活用がないしかし/Howeverそれとも/orそれともわ・た・し?さらに/moreover


Condition and contrast sentences can be considered both subordinating and sentences in English


  • 修飾syuusyoku: As a prefix, the modifiler modifies the meaning of the next words to emphasis or provide contextual information, such as “I’m very happy”.
  • 連体rentai修飾: Aka 名詞(を)修飾, attributive modifier, the adjectival phrase that only connects with 体言 (noun, including formal noun), turning a non-adjective into an adjective. Similar to relative clause in English but diffs in an overt pronoun (that/which/who) element.
  • 連用renyoo修飾: Aka 副詞修飾, continuative modifier, the adverbial phrase that only connects with 用言 (i-adj, na-adj, and verb) and adverbs (副詞), providing additional information such as time, space, and causation. Similar to adverbial clause in English.
  • 連体修飾節, attributive clause, aka noun-modifying clause, which functions as an adjective. Similar to a relative clause in Enlish but diffs in lacking an overt pronoun (that/which/who) element. Eg. きれいな女だ

Attributive modifier

$2Attributive連体修飾連体形Attributive Formattributive form of verb動詞連体形活用太陽を盗んだ街を歩いてる昨日見た映画掃除した部屋Cleaned roomattributive form of na-adjectives名•形動連体形活用きれいな生意気なヤツimpertinent personattributive form of i-adjectiveイ形容詞連体形活用白いやばい空気Awkward predicamentDemonstrative連体詞による活用がないその/このあらゆる時代every eraNoun phrases名詞で修飾NのN名詞+の私のMy bookNとV+N名詞+と動詞+名詞NというNcalledNと呼ばれたNnamed

Continuative modifier


  • 条件節: conditional clause, which is not the same as English.
  • 順接条件節: aka 順接条件節
  • 仮定: base on hypothetical situation.
  • 事実: based on facts
  • 逆接: a outcome despite an action
  • 順接: when one action is required for another to occur.

Technologically, the “conditional clause” in English is only for hypothetical situation, there is no one-on-one mapping between English and Japanse in the conditional clause.

$2連用修飾Continuative条件Condition仮定Hypothesisja_JP順接Requirement順接仮定条件節if true, then true逆接Contrast逆接仮定条件節even if true, an outcome won't occuren_USZero ConditionalCommon Sense人は殺されれ死ぬpeople die if they are killed不法投棄すれ法律違反になるBreak the law if illegal disposal終止形+とお酒を飲む、顔が赤くなるFace gets red when drink wine急がない、遅刻するWe will be late if not go quickly。Conditional Ias long as次第(しだい)Conditional II/IIISubjectiveConcessionもし僕が君だったら、それは決してしないだろうなとしてもでもたとえ両親が反対しても私は行く。からしていくら~ても事実Facts逆接Contrast逆接事実条件節Concessive(Mainly N2)天気がいいのに、散歩しませんからと言ってIt's said butさい順接Requirement原因・理由節Reason天気がいいから、散歩します[N2]た上で我の名を知った上でまだ抗うか?時間Time6.165前後関係SequentialまえPreviouslyまで/直前にあとSubsequentlyてから/て以来/て以降同時同時動作・同時変化Concurrently時(とき)/際/折/ころ反復を表すAny time or every timeたび(たびに),ごとに.につけ,など期間 Up to a certain timeあいだ/うち/最中/まに目的Purpose6.233ため(為)によう(様)に様態Stative比喩metaphor「ように」「ごとく」「様子で」「さまで「みたいに」ごとく「げに」程度や限度「ほど」「くらい(に)」「だけ」「ばかりに」「限り付帯状況ながら」「つつ」


Atomic nouns

The following nouns are nouns that you can search in dictionaries.

$2Atomic nounNormal noun普通名詞dog/cat固有名詞koyuumeishiJapan/ipodna-adjectives名•形動e.g. 元気suru-verbスル動詞勉強するEndng form of adjectives形容詞の終止形高さ

Nominalized clause/補足節

Nominals are phrases that function as nouns (topic in subject, or predicate).

In English, we only use relative clauses, phrases, or participle phrases to enrich or create nouns. Japanese grammars resemble English in grammatically structure, but diff in an overt pronoun (that/which/who) element. The diagram below outlines the major types of nominalization process in Japanese.

$2Nominal補足節名詞節[連体修飾+名詞(形式/普通)]Noun clause(Attributive modifiler + noun)Prefix連体修飾: Attributive Modifier as a prefixSuffix名詞形式名詞keishikimeishiFormal nounもの/こと/のNormal NounResult名詞節ご本人を確認できるものが必要です昨日見た映画が面白かった太陽を盗んだが原爆を作したQuotational clause引用節という/called疑問節Reported Questions止めるかどうかを決められるのは僕だけだOthersin/on/atここには冷たいIn there is cold.見られたからには殺すだけだ



It is classified as a phrase in Japanese dictionaries, 格助詞「と」+動詞「いう」, which can form a diverstiy of grammatical elements.

  1. Form an attributive modifier (連体修飾) [2], which has similarity with the adjectival prepositional phrase in English that functions as an adjective.

光の御子という騎士: The knight (who is) called son of light
言峰という名の神父, The priest (who is) called Kotomine.
魔術というの: The one (who is) called magic.
というわけだ: reason
というものだ: definition

  1. Form a quotational clause (引用節) , similar to “the fact that [Sentence]” in English

鈴木部長が社長の親戚であるというのは有名な話だ。-- 現代日本語文法6
The fact that director suzuki is relative to the boss is widely known.
Is there any reason why despite the fact that the park is large but not popular?

  1. Form continuative modifier (連用修飾 N3)

Sakura, who has been more like a young lady rather than a child since 4 years ago introduced by shinji.



  1. 修飾要素の必要性による節の分類

  2. 連体修飾構造における「という」の機能と介在性